Making your professional head shots and pictures count


April 24, 2017

Every business has an appearance.

Be it one realtor, or an entire Fortune 500 company, every business and brand has an identity. In this aesthetically-focused world we live in, defined branding with multiple visual elements is imperative to giving your customer base a look and feel of how your business is run, what kind of work you do, and what kind of professional person you are. Professional head shots do much more than get your picture on the internet — they give customers a perspective of your business, your personality, and your professionality.

Customers want to resonate with a professional’s personality.

What I mean by that is, people want to know you are a real, living, breathing person. They want to confirm that you have a confident face, a positive vibe about you, and the visual traits of a leader. Why? It helps them trust in you as a professional with moral values and a relatable personality. Because most things are now digital-centric, customers want that personal touch of business in working with someone.

In providing professional head shots, you get to decide how customers, visitors to your site, or potential business partners relate themselves to you. Are you standing tall and smiling, showing that you have a secret game-plan to increasing your client’s ROI? Or are you grazing through a winery, showing that as a wedding planner, you seek out the subtle beauty of a venue that makes it perfect for those small, personal events? Does your choice of a colorful blouse and tasteful background reveal you’re the ideal interior designer for trendy home owners? …You get the idea.

Professional head shots aren’t everything, but they are important. Giving potential customers a face to link your brand’s message to is more important than it seems. Customers and business associates alike pick up on the tone and energy you provide in your head shot. Let’s give them something that they’ll remember in a positive way.

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